In life, we experience some pretty crazy, and scary, stuff. I'm the type of person that loves scary movies, but when it comes to Jaws, I run away. As fast as I can. I don't know what it is, but sharks just creep me out. I remember one time in elementary, my brother was watching a Jaws movie on TV. I asked him to change it so many times, but he wouldn't! I couldn't watch TV in my parents' room because they were watching something, otherwise I would have. I was so mad at him for not changing it! So I got on the computer, which was in the same room, and instead of watching it, I had to listen to it. So later that night, I went over to my friend's birthday party. We were having a great time, I had totally forgotten about the whole shark movie. We were watching movies and eating cake, when all the sudden I heard this sound. Duuuuun uh. Duuuuun uh. The Jaws theme song? No.. But it sure sounded like it. I got so scared! I have no idea what the music was on the movie, but for a second, it sounded exactly like Jaws. So, being the third grader I was, I called my mom. She came and picked me up and I had to explain to her why I was upset. (It's kind of embarrassing to think about now!) I've never been to a beach, and I'm kind of scared to go to one, because I think that I'll get eaten by a shark. (I know, a little dramatic). I've watched too many movies that I wish I hadn't..
So point being, we all get scared in life. Even if it is about something that rarely happens. Joshua 1:9 says, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." God commands us to be strong and courageous! That might be hard sometimes, but He knows we can do it. He'll never put us through something we can't handle. So next time you're in a situation that scares you, don't forget that God is with you. So be strong and courageous!
I hate sharks.
I love sharks! I've swam with them before! :)