December 29, 2011

Lesson #91: "Reunited and it feels so good!"

I always forget how much I really do miss my friends until I haven't seen them in a week, or a year. Being reunited with close friends is always a blessing, and I will always cherish the friendships I have, and will have in the future!

Oh, and, um... Staying up until 5 AM isn't always the best plan. But it sure is fun! ;)

Thank you Maggie for staying up with me and taking funny pictures and videos with me!

December 27, 2011

Lesson #90: Forgive and Forget

Grudge - noun: a feeling of ill will or resentment.
Bitter - adjective: resentful or cynical.

We all have held a grudge or felt bitter feelings towards somebody or something. But honestly, what does that do? Does it help you? Does it make you feel better? Well I can tell you one thing. It doesn't make the other person feel better. I hate when people hold grudges against something I've done in the past. But how can I say that, when I'm holding my own grudges? I've done a lot of thinking this past week. How is holding a grudge going to help you for the future? If you held grudges against every person who has done you wrong, intentionally or unintentionally, eventually you wouldn't be left with anybody.

I'm just as equally guilty of this as anybody.
Forgive and forget.
Mend relationships.
Let things go.
Get over it.
Move on.
Don't let the little things determine relationships.

Where would we be if Christ held grudges? Not here, I'll tell you that. And we sure wouldn't be going to heaven either. Romans 3:24 says, "All are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus."

Love, as He loved us. And forgive, as He forgave us.

December 19, 2011

Lesson #89: Chivalry isn't dead!

So being the week before Christmas, all the shopping centers are nuts. Today I ventured to Walmart to buy some last minute stuff to finish my Christmas gifts. Every check out line had at least three people in it, so I knew I would have to wait wherever I went. I didn't get a basket because, well, I didn't think I would need one. I had this wooden sign that I bought for my grandparents that's about the size of a movie poster, and 5 small bottles of paint, some wooden craft items, my wallet, phone, keys, and paintbrushes all sitting/rolling/sliding around on the wooden sign as I was trying to get money from my wallet. The elderly man in front of me, who had much less than I did in his basket, asked if I wanted to get in front of him. I kindly declined his offer, because, well, I wasn't in much of a hurry and he had very few items. After he emptied the items from his basket onto the counter, he asked if I wanted to set my things down in the basket until there was room. This time I accepted his offer, seeing as there was no way I was going to get my money out of my wallet while holding everything. While trying to put everything down, the bottles of paint fell onto the floor. The man was slow bending down, but he picked up all of the bottles and set them in the basket and smiled. I thanked him and he went on to pay for his things. As he was walking away, he said, "Merry Christmas, Sweetheart!" and I replied "Merry Christmas, sir!"

And a very, merry Christmas it is. Small acts of kindness are really what matter in this season of giving. Sure, we love presents and family get-togethers, but isn't Christmas about sharing the love? A small act of kindness can be the one thing that gets somebody through the rest of the day. And if somebody declines it, well, try again! Eventually they'll give in a put their things in the basket (metaphorically speaking). Chivalry is still alive! All it takes is one small action. 

December 18, 2011

Lesson #88: Stephen King writes creepy stories.

So it's December 19, and it seems that this year is quickly coming to a close. I can't believe that it's been almost a year since I started this blog. I'm still debating whether or not to create a new one for 2012, what do you guys think?

Tonight I watched Stephen King's Bag of Bones. I definitely recommend it if you like scary, creepy, weird stories! Of course, I'd recommend pretty much anything Stephen King. (Children of the Corn, The Green Mile, The Shining, Secret Window, 1408, etc etc). I already knew he was an incredible writer, and that he wrote some pretty creepy and weird stuff, but Bag of Bones was beyond that. It wasn't necessarily scary, so to speak, but it was creepy. It had its jumpy moments. It had its sad moments. It had its twists and turns in the story line. (Of course my favorite part of these kinds of movies is always trying to figure it out and predict what will happen).

All and all, today, I learned that Stephen King writes creepy stories. But he is one incredible writer!

December 17, 2011

Lesson #87: You don't really need to study as a senior...

Wow! It has been forever. Life is crazy, and school has been killer. This past week I took finals, and I didn't do so bad! I passed all of them, which I wasn't expecting to do. But I did, and I am very happy! And you know what I learned? Studying doesn't always help. I didn't study for any of my finals (except English) and I did good on all of them. We're seniors, we don't need to study! ;)

As this year is coming to a close, so is this blog. I've learned a lot this past year, obviously that I was so busy I couldn't post every day, seeing as I'm only on Lesson #87. Maybe I can get to at least 100 by the end of the year. Thanks for sticking with me this year, and we'll see what we can learn in 2012!

November 18, 2011

Lesson #86: People at midnight showings are fun.

So last night I went to the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn pt 1 (Yeah, judge me all you want! I don't care!). And, needless to say, it was actually REALLY good (Again, judge me all you want). I didn't just learn that they did a waaaaaay better job on this movie than the last 3, I also learned that people can be extra crazy when it's really late. One girl ran to the front of the theater and ran back and forth yelling "ONE MINUTE! ONE MINUTE!" It was very entertaining to watch everybody. Some people brought blankets and were sleeping until the movie started, and some people were laughing rather loudly and talking. Some people, like my friends and I, watched Eclipse while we were waiting.

Midnight showings are fun. Getting 4 hours of sleep is not.

November 15, 2011

Lesson #85: Texas failed kindergarten. Part II.

Yes, if you can remember I have used the title "Texas failed kindergarten" once before. Well, let's just say Texas just keeps failing.

In the morning I leave the house with jeans, tennis shoes, a long sleeve shirt, a jacket, and possibly my letter jacket as well. By the end of the day, I wished I was in shorts and a t-shirt. It's the middle of November. Make up your mind already!

If there's one thing I hate about Texas, actually this is probably the only thing, it would be the bipolar weather.

Is it too much to ask to just be cold and stay cold? We also would like some snow...

November 6, 2011

Lesson #82: "Make 'em laaaugh, make 'em laaaaugh, don't you know everyone wants to laugh?"

Today I am thankful for laughter. Besides sleep, laughter is the best medicine to any situation. I am thankful that God gave us laughter, because if we didn't laugh, this world would be a pretty boring place...

This post is short, but I don't think it needs more words.

What did the triangle say to the circle?
"You're pointless."

November 4, 2011

Lesson #81: Safety First

Today, I am thankful for safety. And seat belts.

At about 3:30 PM today, an ACU bus carrying twelve students, three faculty members and the spouse of one faculty member, representing the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, crashed near Runnels County. Only one fatality has been confirmed, the bus driver was unharmed, and the rest were severely injured. This was an Ag group on their way to Medina, TX to help the kids at the Medina Children's Home. President Phil Schubert and others from ACU are headed to the different hospitals to console with the students and families as they arrive.

If you're reading this, stop what you're doing and say a quick prayer for the students and faculty involved in the crash, and pray for the families of those students, especially the two families who lost their children. Thank God for the guardian angels He sends our way everyday.

This is a picture taken at the scene. Please please please keep this people in your prayers. The top of the bus was completely ripped off. Please wear your seat belts from now on. I know I am.